Saturday, October 31, 2009


Psalm 23:5
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

In verse five David switches from the Lords protection to the Lords provision. God cares for us in ways we don’t always see. God is our provider, providing our every need. The important thing to understand here is that God provides for our needs! Following God does not mean you become wealthy with riches; in fact it can be very much the opposite. God does promise to provide for our every need though! There are still times, many times that God will bless us with more then we need, but he promises to always provide for our needs. In the presence of our enemies means he is our provider even when our enemies are present as they are powerless. Despite the danger in David’s life the Lord has set out a table for him and provided for his every need.
            The picture of the Lord anointing David’s head with oil and causing his cup to overflow shows how much God really does care and provide for him. God Has provided for us in a way that we need nothing more then him alone to survive. This is a reflection to verse one when it says, “The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want.” The Lord is all we need and by his provision we need nothing more and shall not want anything more. The cup is a picture of what we need and the Lord fills not just until it is full, but overflowing! God loves you and wants to provide for you. Sometimes God only gives us what we require to prove to us we only need him and not the stuff of this world. Many times he will provide us with more then we need if we are able to allow him to be our God and not our stuff. Do you need help in this life? God is your provider so find rest in him and eat of the table he has prepared for you. Go out today thankful for what he has provided and dependent on what he will provide. We serve a mighty God!

How has God provided for you and your family in the past? (Remembering what God has done in the past is an encouragement to be dependent on him in the future)

What do you need from God this week? What needs to be provided for you? Are you trusting God for it? Do you know if he will take care of the situation? Have faith and take heart!   

Friday, October 30, 2009


Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

            Another blessing that the Lord provides us with is protection. David expresses in this section of the psalm that the Lord protects him even when he walk through the valley of death. David was a man who could attest to the fact that the Lord provides protection. David stared into the face (or his belly for that matter) of a giant who was feared by every soldier in Israel’s army while he was just a boy! He also fought lions and bears with nothing more then a sling. He spent much of his life running from a man who wanted to kill him and these are only a few of the times where David stared death in the face and yet God protected him. When David writes that the Lord will protect you even when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death he means it!
            A valley with dark shadows keeps hidden any dangers that may be ahead lurking in the darkness. Any trials that we face and we can’t see the end of the tunnel or how the situation will turn out we have no need to fear. Now if I were to approach a deep valley full of dark shadows and I was alone I would be shaking in my boots and not stick around very long. We can respond the same way when it comes decisions in our life. Whatever form these valleys come in we can often turn and run the other way. These valleys could be a family issue whether it is a death or a split. It could also be being diagnosed with a deadly disease or having a ton of responsibility dumped on you all at once. Anything that you feel is impossible to deal with go through is a valley. When we reach a valley we have two options: push on or turn and run. When we run we accomplish nothing and never deal with the issue and will eventually have to deal with it later. The other option is to push on and endure the valley of death.
            As Christians we do not need to fear these times in our life because God never purposed for us to endure life alone. God is with us every step of the way we just need to trust him. Any man could have killed Goliath because it was not man’s ability that was to kill him; it was God’s power. David was the only one who believed that and that is why he was victorious. See the thing is the only difference between you and Billy Graham is that Billy is weak and finds his strength in God alone. God can only take over our lives when we get out of the way. Do not fear for God is with you and he protects you. Simply allow him to! Do not fear for God is with you!
            God has a rod and a staff to comfort us and protect us along the journey. A shepherd’s staff is a long stick with a hook on the end used to protect the sheep and pull them away from danger. The rod is used for discipline that also protects the sheep in the long run. There are times God reaches out and pulls us back from danger and other times where he lets us learn on our own.
            Put your trust in God, as he will never let you down even when you face death itself. Do not fear and trust.

What are some things in your life that cause you to fear the road ahead? How do you usually respond to these situations?

How are you going to surrender to God in the future?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Psalm 23:3
He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

            “He restores my soul” implies that very simply that our souls need restored. You and I both can attest to the fact that we get weary. As humans you and I both require spiritual restoration. It is God who restores us, more then people, movies, and relaxing and yes even sleep. What happens when you become weary? Do you seek God for restoration?
A car is designed to run drive on gasoline, some on diesel. Now matter how nice or expensive the car may be if you drive it long enough it will run out of fuel and stop driving. At this point even leather seat, a sub and nice rims can’t help you out. If you buy a new CD or a new air freshener for your car it still won’t make it run. Even if you change the oil, or even rebuild the entire engine the car still won’t run because it is designed to run on fuel.
In the same way we have been designed to ‘run’ on God fuel. See God created us for his glory. Only God knows how and is able to restore us. It is also important that we understand that just as a car burns fuel we also burn energy and love by pouring into people through our own personal ministry. If a cup is full of holes then anything in it will completely drain out unless it is continuously being refilled. If you pour yourself out each day but you don’t go to God each day to refuel then eventually you will run dry and have nothing left to give. We NEED to meet with God daily in order to be restored. This is why I have created this daily devotion for you because I have been on the other side as I’m sure many of us have. This daily time with God is SO important. Guard it above all else in your day because I can promise you the enemy will try to dismantle you.
Not only does the LORD restore us but he also leading and guiding us in the right way (paths of righteousness). Just as a shepherd guides his sheep our shepherd guide us. God looses none of his sheep along the journey; instead he guides us along the right path. This is partly done for his reputation for being true to his character (his names sake). God provides us each with the fuel and the direction we are to follow. This is why we must seek God in all we do. God provides everything we need yet if we don’t seek him how are we to survive as Christians? I challenge you to allow God to mold you, shape you and send you on the path that he has prepared for you. However, this requires that you yield your life to God. You are going to need to give God more then just your time each morning. You need to give him everything you have!

What needs to change in your life in order for this to happen?

In what ways has God restored you in the past and how have you needed to be restored recently?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Psalm 23:2
He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.

            Green pastures and still waters are peaceful places for nourishment and rest. When David says that God makes him lie down in green pastures he is referring to the times that God has nourished him spiritually. When you follow God and I mean to seek God with all your heart you will never be short of spiritual nourishment. God understands you inside and out, as he is your creator. He knows that you grow weary and become weak. If not you would have no need to rely on him. You and I both know that we get tired many times whether we be at work or at school, sometimes we feel like we can’t handle another day or another paper or an exam. Some times we can even reach the point where giving up seems like the next step. See God provides times of rest even if they don’t always come in the form of sleep. God provides us with new mercies for each day. His grace is designed for you and each trial you go through and each new chapter in your life. But why do we not always feel like this grace is there? Why do we feel like we are lying on the brown burnt grass rather then fresh green grass? See God provides rest for our souls but he doesn’t force it into our lives. As we have often heard, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. If you aren’t seeking God and allowing him to refuel you each day then our walk becomes a crawl and soon you will burn out. Not only does he provide you with green pastures but also still waters. God restores you spiritually. God provides you with forgiveness each and every day!

What area of your life have you had trouble giving to God lately? Had are you going to have to do differently to allow God to control this area?

Have you felt burnt out lately? What steps are you going to take in order to take full advantage of God’s mercies and nourishment?

Have you felt nourished spiritually this week? If no, how does this verse change that? If yes, why have you been nourished and what did you need to surrender to God in order to do so? Was it worth it?


Psalm 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want

David compares God to a shepherd because God cares for you as a shepherd cares for sheep. Sheep are helpless creatures that bleed and eat. If they are to survive they require a shepherd who is caring for them day in and day out. God is your shepherd; he cares for you and watches over you. If God is your shepherd what else could you possibly want? God is our comforter and our supplier. He gives us what we need when we need it. He has saved us from the depths of hell and he continues to watch over us. God is good! Remember, every thing, every situation that enters your life has first flowed through the hands of God. When you begin to realize this and put your trust in it you will begin to become strengthen whether it be though the times of achievement or trials and temptation. When God is the Lord of your life and become the center in which everything else revolves around then you will need nothing else to satisfy you. When God your Lord you have no reason to want the gods of this world such and drugs, alcohol, sex, fame and many others. However, if you call yourself a Christian yet you want other things and go to the world for pleasure and comfort you become an adulteress. Just as Hosea’s wife was unfaithful to him we can be unfaithful to God. This is when anything else becomes an idol in your life. Make God Lord of your life and serve him alone. God cares for us and when we seek him there is nothing else that can compare to his unfailing love. What else could we want?

Are you allowing God to be your shepherd or do you flirt around with the world? If yes, were you allowing God to be Lord of your life at this time?

What are you going to change today about your walk with God?