Friday, March 12, 2010

Going Lower in Order To Go Higher

Proverbs 12

"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice" (v.15)

This is a verse that jumped out at me above the rest as it again deals with confrontation and advice. We all have been confronted by someone either letting us know what we're doing wrong or giving us some advice. However, there are to different reactions to this situation as Solomon lays out for us. A fool thinks he is right in his own eyes even if he is told otherwise, whereas a wise man listens to advice and adjusts his lifestyle accordingly. The reason a fool thinks he is right even when told otherwise is because of too much pride. He is not able to admit to himself or others that he is wrong and another person is right. This can lead us astray if we are never able to humble ourselves enough to seek others advice and listen to their council. When we get told we are doing something wrong and do not listen to that then we begin to block out such advice and continue to live as we were. This can lead to becoming calloused in this area as we will never be able to admit we are wrong. However, a wise man will listen to what others have to say, filter it through God's Word and adjust accordingly. You must first lower in order to go higher. You must humble yourself before those who are more mature in their faith and learn from them. Only then once you have learned will you be able to teach.

If you only remember two things from this let it be:

"a wise man will listen to what others have to say, filter it through God's Word and adjust accordingly"

"You must first lower in order to go higher... only then once you have learned will you be able to teach"

Have a great spring break everyone!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Walk Humbly

Proverbs 11

"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom" (v.2)

This verse brings about a very interesting and challenging point when it comes to pride and humility. What is pride? Pride is a deep feeling of pleasure of one's own accomplishments. This is not what we would instinctively think. In fact we many of us would define pride as boasting and putting all attention on yourself. This is not wrong but there is so much more to pride then public boasting. Solomon is saying that when we seek pleasure in our own accomplishments we ignore God and how his power is the root of all success. When we focus on ourselves and what we can do we will be disgraced. However, with the humble comes wisdom. This Hebrew word is only used here and in Micah 6:8, it means to "walk humbly."  What this looks like in the context of this verse is to walk in a submissive, modest spirit before both God and man. This leads is leads to and is accompanied by wisdom. So this week focus on walking humbly before both God and man, not under your own power and strength, but God's.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Integrity Brings Forth Security

Proverbs 10

"Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out" (v. 9)

Of the many things that we can take away from this chapter this verse stood out to me. When we as Christians walk in the way of integrity we are living the way we claim we live. Meaning that when we are alone we are still living the same way we do when others are around. We put up no fronts or are concerned about impressing others because we live as we claim to. However, those who make their ways crooked will be found out. Meaning those who wrongly when they think know one knows will eventually be found out for God is always watching and He is the judge. When we claim that we live by the Bible we ought to be doing exactly that, bring in the Word and applying it to our daily lives, living it out. When we say one thing yet do another it makes us a hypocrite which is the biggest turn off for unbelievers. When you walk in integrity you in the security of God's Word.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Fear of The LORD... Part II (followup from ch.1)

Proverbs 9

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight" (v. 10).

Many people confuse this verse with verse seven in chapter one. There are only two differences, one obvious the other not so much. In chapter one the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, whereas in chapter nine the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. The second difference is found in the word "beginning." Although this is the same english word used in each verse it is not the same Greek word. This means that each use of "beginning" has a different meaning. In chapter one the Greek can be translated "to start," meaning the fearing God is the starting point for true knowledge of God. In chapter nine the Greek word can be translated as "prerequisite." This means that fearing God is a prerequisite for wisdom. There is a huge difference now between these two verses and it is now easier to see why they have been placed where they are. Solomon beings the book of Proverbs saying in verse seven that in order to have a true knowledge of God and who He is you must first start with fearing the LORD. Then over the next eight chapters Solomon begins to talk about what wisdom is and its values. Now in chapter nine he says that in order to have wisdom you must first fear the LORD, meaning that a fear of the LORD is a prerequisite for wisdom. Now that Solomon has establish that fearing God is required for both knowledge of who God is and for wisdom he will spend the rest of the book giving us words of wisdom and instruction.
(refer back to last monday for what it means to fear the LORD).

Fear God.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Seek Out Wisdom

Proverbs 8

This chapter discusses the call, virtues, rewards, promises of wisdom as well as its existence before creation. Solomon, speaking of wisdom writes, "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me" (v. 17). Wisdom is not limited to only certain people, for anyone can obtain wisdom. However, it will only come to those who diligently seek it out. For those who dwell on the Word of God will have it impact them daily as will wisdom. Seek out wisdom and you will find it. Solomon also writes the wisdom is "better than gold, even fine gold" (v. 19a). Wisdom in itself is more profitable than even the finest gold. What lasting significance does gold have? Whereas wisdom will outlast even your own life. Wisdom will guide and protect you. Gold is a safety net, but only for material things. Wisdom will help guide you physically and spiritually.

Seek after wisdom.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Proverbs 7

This is the third chapter Solomon has written dealing with adultery. Solomon was one of the wisest men devoted more time to this topic then any other in the book of Proverbs. This is the only sin that we are not asked to fight against. We are called to run! Paul writes to the Corinthian church, "flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body" (1Cor. 6:18). Any sexual immorality no matter the level of severity is destructive to the their own body. We are not supposed to, able or called to fight against this because we cannot. We are told to flee. If you learn on thing from the past three chapters let it be to run whenever you are confronted that with anything that confronts your sexual integrity. Even if it is a simple as a movie that causes you to lust. RUN! Even a man after God's own heart, David, fell into this trap. He did not run. At a time when he was supposed to on the battle field he was confidently at home when we spotted a woman bathing. He did not run and not only did it lead to adultery, but also murder. Flee from sexual immorality!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Don't Get Burned

Proverbs 6

This is the verse that jumped out at me today: "Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned? Or can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched? So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife; none who touches her will go unpunished." v. 27-29

This verse applies to what we were talking about yesterday, but the principle applies to all sin and the principle is something that we can be applying daily in every confrontation with temptation. Solomon illustrates this first with a man carrying fire next to his chest. Solomon's literal image of carrying fire next to one chest is representing carrying sin next to ones heart. No one can do so without being burned. If we let any sin get close to our heart we will not go unburned. For the things we hold close to our heart are the things that begin to affect how we live. This is why if we hold God's Word close to our heart and treasure it  then it will begin to affect the way we live and the same with sin and things of this world. Solomon draws the same illustration with a man walking over hot coals. This can represent the lifestyle in which we walk. We cannot walk in the ways sin without it burning us. However, even though we can draw a principle from this Solomon does still relate this to one specific sin which is adultery. If you play with fire (sex outside of God's Law) you will get burned!

Remember: If we let any sin get close to our heart we will not go unburned

Friday, March 5, 2010

Satan's Worm and Bobber

Proverbs 5

Looking at verses three and four: "For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword."

Solomon spends this entire chapter writing a warning against adultery. The words of a forbidden woman are deceptive and persuasive, yet they are a sweet as honey. Married or not all men are under the attack of Satan in the area of sexual immorality. The entire world screams sex mainly at men, but women also. Satan has taken something that God designed to be beautiful and distorted it to cause destruction. When we take what God intended for the ultimate intimacy between and man and his wife and use it for selfish lust we fall into the trap of Satan. Solomon is not just dealing with sex outside of marriage, he is talking about all levels of lust. For Matthew 5:28 says, "but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." By Gods standard even looking at a woman with lust is adultery whether or not she is real, on a screen or a highway billboard. The lips of these women drip with honey and her speech is smoother than oil, meaning that she is very appealing at first. However, as Solomon continues he warns us that in the end she is as bitter as "wormwood" and as sharp as a "two-edged sword!" Satan intends to destroy us so he opposes what God says knowing it will harm us. In order for Satan to convince us to oppose God he must lure us in by making it look really tempting. It is important that we all (including women) are guarding ourselves against these temptations, we know that Satan will attack and we know generally how, yet everyone still continues to stumble at some point. Keep your head up and hold fast to the Word of God. Victory will only come with discipline. Verse twenty-three says, " he dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray." Without discipline knowing how to avoid Satan's trap is useless. We need to discipline ourselves to honor and uphold God design for marriage.

Hold fast to God's Word and discipline yourself.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thursday: Straight Ahead

Proverbs 4

What stood out to me as I read this chapter is found in the final three verses. Solomon writes, "Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil" (4:25-27).

One of the first things I learned when I first got my drivers license was where you look is where you go. Naturally when a young driver first beings driving he or she will be driving down the road, as they begin to look at the passing scenery, stores or anything that catches their eye the car will slowly veer toward the shoulder in the direction they are looking. It is very difficult to drive straight if you are looking elsewhere. This is the same with our spiritual walk. We are able to stay on the path God has for our lives, but the moment we are distracted by what the world has to offer we begin to veer away from God's will and eventually if we don't catch ourselves we can veer into oncoming traffic or into a ditch, which spiritually is exactly where Satan wants us. Verses 26 and 27 instruct us to ponder the path of our feet, to think about the direction in which we are headed to be sure that we are walking in God's will. He also instructs us not to let our foot swerve to the left or to the right so that we may turn away from evil. We are to daily be checking to be sure that we are walking in the light of God's Word and not being distracted and caught up in the ways of Satan and the world around us. For he is trying to destroy us by leading us astray. Whereas God intends good for our lives. Out of this knowledge we are to be sure that we are following God and the moment we take our eyes off of Him we will being to veer away from His path. Keep your eyes on Him and never look down, never look back to what the world pretends to offer.

walk in the Word.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday: All You Need Is...... God

Proverbs 3

This chapter, as do all chapters in Proverbs, has a lot of points in it, but I am only going to point out the one that stood out to me as I read it through this time. This is also the chapter that contains a very commonly used and well known verse, rightly so. Verses 5 and 6 are the verses that many people turn to in a time where they are seeking direction as it tells us to commit to God and acknowledge in all we do first, then He will direct us. This principle is paralleled in verses 9 and 10 where it says, "honor the LORD with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all you produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine. This verse calls us to honor God with our wealth. Ironically it is not even our wealth in the first place because God is the one who has blessed us in the first place. To honor God with our wealth would be to hold nothing back from Him. It continues to also say honor God with the firstfruits of all you produce. Not only are we to hold nothing back to God but we are to offer our produce to Him first. We are to give unto God first, then budget. Not budget then give God what is left. This doesn't just deal with money, but also with our time, talents, everything. To honor God with our wealth and our firstfruits is to acknowledge His provision over us in an expression of gratitude. In return God has promised to fill our barns and vats. Metaphorically speaking of course, Solomon is saying that God will continue to supply all we need. If we give to God FIRST (yes that means our very best), then He will continue to bless us. For by trusting Him with all we have including our finances He will continue to watch over us. The moment we stop trusting God and think that we can supply for ourselves He will no longer bless us because we do not seek Him in our needs.

God is not an investment, He is all we need!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday: What is Wisdom

Proverbs 2

Solomon has written a book on wisdom, but what exactly is wisdom? Is there a difference between wisdom and knowledge? Proverbs 2 points to this very issue explaining what in fact wisdom is. Solomon writes that God is the giver of wisdom (v.6), He gives us wisdom both through His Word and through His Spirit (the third part of the trinity). Wisdom is that which provides profitable morals, it keeps one from evil and produces holiness. Wisdom is not just intellect, but it is a matter of the heart. Knowledge is the ability to know, wisdom is the ability to know and properly apply to our daily lives. In v.7 Solomon makes reference to a shield, like a shield God's wisdom protects us and morality guards us for the evil ways of the world. Knowledge here would be to know what is moral and why, whereas wisdom is to carry out morality due to the outcome. Solomon also notes that wisdom is obtainable by everyone if they seek it out. Whoever strives for wisdom will find it enter his heart (v.10). Obtaining wisdom require a diligent pursuit after God's will, yet it is still God who gives wisdom (v.6). Solomon also writes how wisdom will guide you and guard against sin as it will keep you traveling on the straight and narrow (v. 11,12). When one is confronted with temptation, as good and harmless as it appears he will avoid it at all costs because he sees the big picture and where it will lead him in the end, destruction and corruption.

Seek after wisdom and let it guard your heart

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday: The Fear of The LORD...

Over the month of March we will be going through the book of Proverbs as there is 31 chapters in Proverbs and 31 days in March. My hope is that as you read along you will be able to easily dive into each days devotion. Feel free to leave comments on what you have learned each day even if it is from a different area of the chapter.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction."         Proverbs 1:7

This is a very fitting way for Solomon to begin the book of Proverbs. "The fear of the LORD" occurs 11 eleven times in Proverbs. It is also important that we understand what is meant be the word "beginning"here. What does it mean for the fear of the LORD to be the beginning of knowledge? The Hebrew word for beginning is rĂȘ'shyth meaning "the start." What this means is that a person cannot gain knowledge of spiritual things if they do not start at the right place. Solomon says that the starting place for knowledge is fearing the God. To fear God means to recognize His character and responding in reverence, worship, obedience, trust and service. Fearing God is recognizing who He is a responding accordingly. Fearing God is the very essence of true knowledge as knowledge apart from God is foolishness. As we begin a campus wide dive into Proverbs throughout March we ought begin with fearing God if we hope to gain anything else from this book!

The second part of verse 7 contrasts the first. It says that "fools despise wisdom and instruction." What this means is that when a person corrects you or instructs you it is foolish not to listen or accept the instruction. If someone tells you that you are proud and arrogant then it would be foolish not to accept the criticism because to accept it would be to change accordingly resulting in improving your character. Solomon warns us not to despise wisdom or instruction because to do so is foolish, someone who cannot receive instruction does not believe they need instruction meaning that they think they have it all together which ultimately leads to not trusting God because you do not feel the need to.

Remember: To fear God means to recognize His character and responding in reverence, worship, obedience, trust and service.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday: What it Means to Learn

This semester I am taking Acts (BIBL 364) with Dr. Fowler. One thing that he has challenged me with this semester is how to properly learn from the Bible. He said "In order to learn you must first unlearn." Meaning that we need to let go of all the tradition, baggage and bias view we have on various issues in order to properly study and learn what the Bible has to say in these areas. Is tradition wrong? Not always, but it is important that if we really want to understand what the Bible is saying on any issue we need unlearn the views we already have so that we may see both sides and then look into what the Word of God is says. From there we are able to really search for what the author was intending then just drawing out the verses that we think support our already established view. When are studying or referencing the Bible we need to ask ourselves, "am I looking to interpret what the Bible as a whole is saying or am I looking for verses that support my already established opinion?" Just a thought to keep in mind as you study the Word of God.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday: The Motions

"I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without your all consuming passion
inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking
what if i had given everything
instead of going through the motions"
- matthew west

This song has been on my heart a lot lately as it challenges us whether or not we are giving God all we have or just going through the motions. This is something that we need to be asking ourselves on a daily basis.So often we are in church, convo, prayer groups/bible studies, etc., yet how often are we just mouthing the words to a song or nodding in agreement with a preacher but the truth is we are just going through the motions and all these actions are empty? We need to daily ask ourselves "why am I doing this?" Are our actions and works empty? We may "do" things that please God but if they with are with an empty heart then these things are meaningless. It's not always about what it is we are doing that pleases God, it is that we are serving Him through what we do. We are to serve God in how we live, not just go through motions. A man donating one million dollars to a charity can be less beneficial then a man who gives up five bucks to someone in need. God sees beyond the deed into the heart, if your heart's not in it then your actions are meaningless. We need to search within ourselves to figure whether or not we are giving God everything or merely going through the motions.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday: The Hardest Call

"For I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ this will turn out for my deliverance, as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith, so that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus, because of my coming to you again."     Phillipians 1:19-26

Many times we read stories about people who have been asked whether or not they are a Christian while staring down the barrel of a gun. So many people have died because they would not deny Christ. Now these are stories that when we read we later put ourselves in their shoes and think about how we would respond. It is something that I feel would be difficult to do knowing I was going to die, but in all honesty, I having nothing to loose for there is a better life awaiting me in heave. The real question is not will you die for Christ, rather will you live for Christ? It is much harder for us to live for Christ, walking in His footsteps and pleasing God then it is to simply stand for Him at the end of a gun barrel. I'm not in any way diminishing the courage it takes to die for Christ, but in all honesty if you truly believe that God is your Savor, He is in control and you have eternal life then this should be a no brainer, think about it. What reason would you ever have to deny Christ other then you do not actually have faith in Him. Paul says in Phillipians 1:21 "for to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Death is not something Paul is worried about because to be absent from the body is to be present with God. The real challenge is living for Christ because we are constantly under trails, temptation and persecution. It is hard sometimes to remain faithful to what God has called you to do when times are tough. Just something to think about. Let me know your thoughts on this.
Is it harder to live or die for Christ? Why?

Remember: "The real question is not will you die for Christ, rather will you live for Christ?"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday: Who Am I?

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?"   Psalm 8:3-4

This psalm puts God into perspective and allows us to see the vast difference between our "greatness"and His greatness. I challenge you to read this psalm in its entirety. It only has nine verses so it will take two minutes max, but I challenge you to read it over and over, and slower and slower, spending time dwelling on each word. When you have finished reading it just take some time to be SILENT, no distractions, dwell on what David has written here. Focus on who God is, then think about who man is, who you are. Next time you are outside after a clear, sunny day look up into the sky, take some time to appreciate God's handiwork. Even if you aren't outside take some time right now (as long as you can) to dwell on these thoughts...

... it put things into perspective doesn't it? Take some time to comment on this post and share what was going through your head during that time. It is crazy to think that a God so great and mighty could even be mindful of us let alone love us! God created the universe and the galaxies, he created the beautiful landscape on which we live. The stars in the sky, the leaves in the fall, was all created by a God who loves you and loves me. A God that cares and watches over us. A God who sent His ONLY son to pay the price for OUR sins. A God who walks with us each step of the way as we travel through life. A God who we often reject. A God who sometimes we don't even give Him a moment of our day. A God who we don't trust because we think we have things figured out. Yet He still loves us. To even think that we can come before Him in prayer in absurd. He loves us and sometimes we just need to get back to realizing how great He really is because we often forget this everyday.

Who am I that you are mindful of me?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday: SILENCE!

When is the last time you have been all alone, no one people, no music, no homework, no media, nothing? Are you comfortable being by yourself? Meaning when you're waiting on someone, eating by yourself, waiting for class to start how long does it take for you to flip out you phone to "text" someone, check the time or shove some headphones into your ears? We are surrounded in a world of business, a world of efficiency, doing as much as you can in as little time possible. Not only do we have fast food restaurants so we can eat on the run but to make it even quicker we have made drive-thru's so you don't even have to get out of your car. Most students can hardly do fifteen minutes of homework without flipping to facebook, turning on some music or texting a friend. We are so busy and surrounded by both audio and visual noise.

What we don't realize is how much we need to get away in silence and solitude. In Psalm 46:10a the psalmist writes:

Be still and know that I am God

This is so important that we get away from the noise around us on a regular basis and just be still, know that God is God and that He loves and cares for us. It is in these times where we can hear God direct us and tell us His will for God does not always come in the obvious ways. Just as with Elijah God may come to us in a gentle breeze instead to the mighty fire or earthquake. We come to God daily with many prayers and requests but how often do we listen for an answer? It's good to be reading the Word and be praying, but we also need to take time just to be still in absolute silence thinking, listening and watching for God.

We spend more time complaining about things in our lives then we do praying about them. How many times have you told your friends about something you were concerned about this week? How much time did you spend bringing it before God? We thrive off noise, not many times can a group of people be quiet without someone quickly cracking a joke. Silence makes us uncomfortable and feel awkward. I think this is because silence causes us to think and many of us are afraid to think. We need to learn to thrive off solitude. Jesus spent so much time going off on His own to pray. If something like this was so important for Him then it certainly is important for us! Take some time this week, get away from your everyday routine, go somewhere quiet where you are all alone and spend time in prayer, meditation and just sitting still. It will be awkward at first but if you stay long enough you will begin to realize how much you need solitude and time alone. This is where your character and who you are is developed, when no one is around.

Challenge: Sometime over the next week find ONE HOUR where you can get away from everything around you (go for a walk on liberty mountain, go to the quiet study room in the clab with a coffee, even wake u an hour before your roommates or stay up an hour later) to be in solitude. After you have prayed about everything you can think of and thought about everything on your mind, stay. Be still.

Now go do it! You won't regret it!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday: Where's My Faith?

Today I don't have a scripture verse to dive into, instead I want to share with you something that I have been battling with lately and I hope you can learn something from this.

The past week has been an interesting experience for me to say the least. I was notified about a week ago that my uncle has bone marrow cancer and he was given six months to live. This has come as a huge shock to both me and my family. Something like this is hard in a very different way because at the moment it doesn't even seem like it's happening partly because I'm in a different country while this is all happening. I am certainly not a stranger when it comes to deaths in my extended family so I have been through this kind of thing several times before, yet each time is very different and each time God is able to teach me something new. With my first experience praying for someone who didn't have long to live, faith that God could heal them came easy. However, faith in God was in control whether or not He chose to heal them was there. This was something that was new to me, trusting God even though His plans don't always result in healing. However, many years later I have been able to grow and trust God in all areas in my life. Finding out that my uncle is sick and was given six months is definitely very hard, but I trust that God will somehow be glorified and He will see His will through even if it means death. I'm okay with that and I trust that God is in control. It took a friend to challenge me on whether or not I believed God could heal him. I mean I definitely believe God is capable of healing him, but do I really believe that God could do so if it be His will? It's embarrassing at the very least for me to say that no I didn't have the faith that if God chose to He could heal him. I guess I was just preparing myself according to what the doctors said. I have certainly been praying both for him and our family, but not for his actual healing. I'm not saying that God will heal him or that he won't. I believe that God is in control and whether he lives or dies I will be okay with it, certainly sad and devastated, but trusting God. However, that when it really came down to it I didn't really believe that God could heal him, I mean the doctors said there was nothing they could do. If God has power of death through the resurrection of Jesus and then He certainly has the power to heal my uncle. Maybe He will, maybe He won't, that's not up to me. My job is to trust God but also not to underestimate God.

God is in control and He has power over everything!
Do you REALLY believe that?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thursday: Wounds Better Than Kisses?

"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy."     Proverbs 27:6

This verse seems backwards but it is very important that we understand what Solomon is saying. We often think that our friends are to encourage us and build us up. This is true, but it is even more important that our keep us humble and keep us accountable. If have sharp quick responses it is a friend who will confront you on these issues because they want to see you be the best you can be. An enemy in this case will just let it slip because they don't care how you act or who you become. Criticism from a friend is better then a complement from an enemy. The constructive criticism from a friend will build you up, whereas a complement from an enemy at most is thoughtful, but results meaningless. We must not be so unapproachable that when a friends try to help us we get all defensive and see them as trying to take us down. As friends we are to build each other up and confront one another. Think about who your friends are, who are merely people you hang out with. A true friend will lower themselves to build you up and they will confront you about anything.

Remember: "Criticism from a friend is better then a complement from an enemy"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wednesday: Daily Devotion or Daily Feeling?

When we being to talk about a daily devotion many of us cringe because we know that it is an area that we struggle with. We have all been there at one time or another. In fact even when we get into the practice to spending time in God's Word daily it could always be better. Your daily devotion can be very much compared to a workout routine. When starting out you need to set a time in which to do it or it will never get done, same with working out, if you never set a time in your schedule you will never get to the gym. We also need to figure out what it is we will do. If you decide to go at random with a random verse each day you will miss out, just as if you randomly workout on muscle in the gym then you may get one or two muscles developed, but many will be missed. This is why it is important to have a plan for your reading. If you pick random verses many times you will miss the context and therefore misinterpret what the author is saying. Next you need to do it. Some people with reason with themselves and say "I will only do it when I feel like it because I don't want it to become a chore, duty or homework. Yes, we shouldn't do it just to do it because that would be pointless. However, if we only do it when we want to we never will. If you only go to the gym when you want to you then you probably won't actually show up. First you need to be disciplined and create a habit, then you will begin to crave it and be adamant on not missing a day. The word devotion means dedication. We need to dedicate time to spending in God's Word and in prayer.

When we develop a devotion to time with God then we need to watch that we guard that time and not let it become just a chore, but that we commit our heart, soul and mind to it seeking what God has to teach us. Anyone who has spent time in a gym knows that you can't curl the same weight forever, if you do then you will reach a point when it is ineffective. With our devotion we need to be intently studying God's Word and digger deeper each day. This is something that we can talk about all day, but you need to do it. Not just a day here and there, but commit yourself  EVERY day where you are in God's Word and prayer. It takes dedication and perseverance but it is the key to living a fulfilled life in Christ Jesus.

Daily devotion or daily feeling?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tuesday: An Abundant Life

"The thief comes only to to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."     John 10:10

Jesus is talking to the Pharisees here as He explains to them that He is the Good Shepherd. He explains that anyone who comes in any way other then how the Old Testament prophets proclaimed are thieves and false prophets. Jesus explains that the intentions of thieves, whether it be Satan or false prophets, is to destroy us. Every temptation we are faced with, no matter how good it seems or pretty it looks will result in harming us. This is the only intention of the enemy. Satan wants to destroy all people, especially Christians there is no one that he wants to help. So often we can buy into these lies that look so appealing at first, but eventually turn out to harm us. Jesus says He has come so that we may have life, not just life, but an abundant life. Jesus came to die on the cross to pay for our sins and pay the price. He rose again to conquer  death so that we may have life through Him alone. He ascended into Heaven so that He may reign at the right-hand of God and that the Holy Spirit would come down to earth to empower us to complete His will. Jesus prepared not only a way for us to experience eternal life, but an abundant life through God's love. God is the one who blesses us and cares for us. Everything that is good comes from above. When we can submit ourselves to Him and abide in His ways we will experience such life because God does not intend to harm us in any way. God desires goodness for our lives, Satan desires pain and destruction for our lives. Why give into temptation when we know without a shadow of a doubt the it will harm us in the end?

Follow God, for He loves and cares for you.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday: Strength Through Weakness

"I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have received your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any  and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me."     Philippians 4:10-13

"If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness."     2 Corinthians 11:30

One of my major goals in these devos is to provide you with context in each verse. It is extremely important that we understand what the writer intended and to whom it was written to. From this we can interpret the application to our own lives in the present day. In the verse above I want to focus on verse 13 ("I can do all things through him who strengthens me"), but understand it within the context in which Paul is writing. Immediately we assume that this verse applies to God strengthening us spiritually, not that this is false, but it is not what Paul intended. When you read the entire chapter, or book for that matter you begin to see that here Paul is talking about God strengthening him physically. Paul endured many things throughout his mission all over Europe. He was beaten five times with forty lashes less one, beaten three times with rods, he was stoned, shipwrecked three times, once being adrift for a full day and night and he was even bitten by a poisonous snake (2 Cor. 11:23-29). And in the end Paul says, "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness" (2 Cor. 11:30). Paul boasts in his weakness because it is through his weakness that God makes him strong. In the same way God makes us strong when we are weak. If we think we have it all going on our own then we will fail because God is not our strength. Paul says to the Philippians that whether he is facing plenty or hunger, abundance or need, God is his strength. In the times of good and bad God is what gives strength to Paul. For if we put our strength in material possessions such as money we will have nothing when we face times of need. But God is with us always and He supplies for us both in the good times and the bad times. It's easy for us to run to God when we are in the depths of despair because we have no other option. We need to also run to Him when are are blessed with plenty. For if God is our strength nothing can bring us down, NOTHING. Everything we do should be through the strength of God. For Paul even says that everything he did was through the strength of God and Paul did a lot.

Through our weakness God makes us strong

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday: Grumble Not

"Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. Likewise you also should be glad and rejoice with me."     Philippians 2:14-18

This morning I attended Campus Church for the first time in a while. I found myself very challenged by the best sermon I have heard Johnnie preach in a while. For those of you that weren't there he talked about Philipians 2:14, explaining how we are to do all things without grumbling. This is such a simple topic, but oh so hard to live. For me, especially when it comes to theology. Today people tend to whine and complain about anything they do that is not for themselves. The thing that bothers me is that if someone asks another person to do something, most times they will try to get out of it and if they do it they will whine and complain. It's funny how it takes something tragic like and accident or death in the family for us to help others out. I'm not saying this is always the case, but many times it is. Why don't we offer to do things for other expecting nothing in return? When we do help others, we are not to do so kicking and screaming. Paul instructs the Philippians to do everything without grumbling or questioning. Why? That they may be blameless and innocent children of God in a twisted generation. Today everyone is living for themselves and feels that everyone else owes them something. In fact we deserve nothing and that in which we do have is a blessing. Through this Paul says we will be lights that shine in our generation as we are different, not living for ourselves but for God Almighty. Our wanting to please God should be what drives us, not our selfish ambitions. We are to make the best of the situations we are in instead of grumbling about where we could be.

Also, it is important that we aren't grumbling about theology as there are many things we will never know. Not that studying or discussing theology is wrong, I love doing that. But it becomes wrong when we become divided over issues that aren't of eternal significance.

In all you do, do so without grumbling

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday: Where's My Direction?

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."     Proverbs 3:5-6

This is a verse that many people quote and often wonder why if God says He will direct our paths we still don't know our future. It is important to first understand that this promise is dependent on verse 5 and the beginning of verse 6. Solomon writes "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge him,..." If does not happen then the rest of the verse can't happen either. Solomon continues, "AND he will make straight your paths." The important word here is "and." Without the beginning there is no end. If we do not trust God will all our hearts and we lean on our own understanding, if we do not acknowledge God in everything we do then He will not, can not direct our paths. If we aren't submitting to Him how is He to direct us? If we want to take part in this promise we must first do our part. If we want God to direct our paths we must let Him be in control of our life.

It is also important that we understand that God does not show us our entire future all at once. If He did this there would be no need to trust Him and rely on Him each day. God often only shows us His will one step at a time. God does not want us to worry about what is ahead, instead we must trust Him and follow Him one step at a time. In this we keep our focus on Him and not what is ahead. Not that we are following Him blindly as we do not ignore the future but we trust God with where He leads us.

Trust and Follow

Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday: Train Like An Olympian

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercise self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wealth, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified."     1 Corinthians 9:24-27

The Olympics are beginning later tonight in me home country of Canada so I thought this verse would appropriate. However, it does have an important message. In fact the Olympics began in 776 BC so it is very possible that it was the Olympic Games that influenced Paul to compare what he had to say to an athlete. Paul compares our Christian lives to that of a race in which we run. Every runner runs in order to receive a material prize. Paul draws the connection that we as Christians also run a race but our prize is imperishable, eternal life. Just as an athlete trains and exercises self-control in order to be the best they can be, we also must exercise self-control as to not become distracted and influenced by earthly pleasures. Paul is not saying that only one receives prize as in a race, but he is saying that we all are running for the prize. No one enters a race without caring to win, just as we are not to run aimlessly (or beat the air) in our Christian lives. We do not follow God's Word just for the heck of it. We do so because we firmly believe He exists and we want to please Him with our lives as we long to be with Him in eternal life. This does not mean that works are the means of Salvation. Salvation is what gets us into the race in a sense. Then we are to run with the goal of pleasing God with our lives in order to exalt Him as we will be held accountable for our works and rewarded accordingly. Every athlete who stands on the podium these next two weeks did not just decide to be there. They each have dedicated their entire lives to training and developing their skills in their one sport. An appearance in the Olympics, let alone a podium finish, is evidence of a lot of discipline, self-control and hard work. It is the same with us, we need to dedicate our whole life to serving and glorifying God, exercising self-control, discipline and dedication.

Beat the air? I'd rather not