Friday, March 12, 2010

Going Lower in Order To Go Higher

Proverbs 12

"The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice" (v.15)

This is a verse that jumped out at me above the rest as it again deals with confrontation and advice. We all have been confronted by someone either letting us know what we're doing wrong or giving us some advice. However, there are to different reactions to this situation as Solomon lays out for us. A fool thinks he is right in his own eyes even if he is told otherwise, whereas a wise man listens to advice and adjusts his lifestyle accordingly. The reason a fool thinks he is right even when told otherwise is because of too much pride. He is not able to admit to himself or others that he is wrong and another person is right. This can lead us astray if we are never able to humble ourselves enough to seek others advice and listen to their council. When we get told we are doing something wrong and do not listen to that then we begin to block out such advice and continue to live as we were. This can lead to becoming calloused in this area as we will never be able to admit we are wrong. However, a wise man will listen to what others have to say, filter it through God's Word and adjust accordingly. You must first lower in order to go higher. You must humble yourself before those who are more mature in their faith and learn from them. Only then once you have learned will you be able to teach.

If you only remember two things from this let it be:

"a wise man will listen to what others have to say, filter it through God's Word and adjust accordingly"

"You must first lower in order to go higher... only then once you have learned will you be able to teach"

Have a great spring break everyone!

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