Thursday, March 11, 2010

Walk Humbly

Proverbs 11

"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom" (v.2)

This verse brings about a very interesting and challenging point when it comes to pride and humility. What is pride? Pride is a deep feeling of pleasure of one's own accomplishments. This is not what we would instinctively think. In fact we many of us would define pride as boasting and putting all attention on yourself. This is not wrong but there is so much more to pride then public boasting. Solomon is saying that when we seek pleasure in our own accomplishments we ignore God and how his power is the root of all success. When we focus on ourselves and what we can do we will be disgraced. However, with the humble comes wisdom. This Hebrew word is only used here and in Micah 6:8, it means to "walk humbly."  What this looks like in the context of this verse is to walk in a submissive, modest spirit before both God and man. This leads is leads to and is accompanied by wisdom. So this week focus on walking humbly before both God and man, not under your own power and strength, but God's.

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