Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday: What Are We Living For?

Just a short thought for today:

Three years ago this winter I was on a snowboard trip with some of my buddies to a big mountain in Quebec, Canada. One morning before we hit the slopes everyone was running around getting things ready for a long day on the mountain when I picked up a well-known book called Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper. I quickly flipped through the book hoping to land on a page and get something out of it that I could meditate on for the day. I found a page and slid my finger down about halfway and landed on these words:

"Life on earth will soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Talk about God giving me something to meditate on! I read this phrase over two times and set the book back down to grab my board and went out to ride some powder! Funny thing is that I not only thought about those words all day, but even to this very day I am reminded of these words and I continue to wrestle with this very truth: My life is a vapor, only a short breath and then it will be gone. When I die all my possessions are gone and it's only a matter of time till the things I have done and who I am will be forgotten. The only things that will last are the things I have done for the glory of God. Nothing else will even be remembered. We need to live each day with the purpose of glorifying Christ and store up treasures in heaven where nothing will ever fade.

You Are a Vapor

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