Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday: Who Am I?

"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?"   Psalm 8:3-4

This psalm puts God into perspective and allows us to see the vast difference between our "greatness"and His greatness. I challenge you to read this psalm in its entirety. It only has nine verses so it will take two minutes max, but I challenge you to read it over and over, and slower and slower, spending time dwelling on each word. When you have finished reading it just take some time to be SILENT, no distractions, dwell on what David has written here. Focus on who God is, then think about who man is, who you are. Next time you are outside after a clear, sunny day look up into the sky, take some time to appreciate God's handiwork. Even if you aren't outside take some time right now (as long as you can) to dwell on these thoughts...

... it put things into perspective doesn't it? Take some time to comment on this post and share what was going through your head during that time. It is crazy to think that a God so great and mighty could even be mindful of us let alone love us! God created the universe and the galaxies, he created the beautiful landscape on which we live. The stars in the sky, the leaves in the fall, was all created by a God who loves you and loves me. A God that cares and watches over us. A God who sent His ONLY son to pay the price for OUR sins. A God who walks with us each step of the way as we travel through life. A God who we often reject. A God who sometimes we don't even give Him a moment of our day. A God who we don't trust because we think we have things figured out. Yet He still loves us. To even think that we can come before Him in prayer in absurd. He loves us and sometimes we just need to get back to realizing how great He really is because we often forget this everyday.

Who am I that you are mindful of me?

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