Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday: Never Thought Loving Monday was Possible

I remember the days when I hated Monday's because it was the beginning of a new week meaning, no more sleeping in and it time to go back to school. Nothing ever seemed to go right every single Monday of the Gr. 11 year in high school. Monday's were the worst and I hated them before they even began. What ever happened to being a child and whining about having a bed time and anxiously awaiting a new day to come. I could never seem to burn all my energy before bedtime and always was pumped for the next new day, especially Monday's because that meant I would get to see all my friends at school. Oh the days of elementary school! What is it that changed, what happened. I grew up, thats what!

See not everyone, but many people dread Monday's as they are always the beginning of a new week and everything seems to go wrong on Monday, then slowly we adapt to the routine come Wednesday and by the time Friday rolls around we are anxious for the day to be over as it is the weekend! Then we go through the whole cycle again. What a life we live. Would it not be so much more beneficial if we would just take each day as it comes and live it to the fullest? See every new day that is born is a gift from God and He has handcrafted new mercies for us for this new day. He has developed a new grace (common grace) for us each and every day. As Christians we should see every day as new day to glorify God and further His Kingdom by spreading the gospel. If your outlook on each day is positive and you are looking for opportunity then your day will be much better. However, if you count it as a write-off before you even get out of bed then your day will be miserable and you will only dwell on the low points of your day. Let us make the best out of each day that is given to us and give God all the glory!

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