Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday: Set Free By Truth

"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'"     John 8:31-32

These verses begin indicating that Jesus was talking with "Jews who had believed," in other words believers. The previous verse "as he was saying these things, many believed in him," follows Jesus proclaiming who He is to a group of people, then many believed in Him. The next verse is where we pick and Jesus is now talking to those who believed. Leon Morris seems to think that Jesus was talking to people who believed, yet did not believe. Meaning they were inclined to think what Jesus was saying was true, but were not prepared to submit their life to His teaching and trust his Word whole-heartedly. This is the most dangerous spiritual state for man! I think that Morris makes a valid point as we look into what Jesus says to these people.

Jesus states clearly, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples" (v.32b). It is very clear here that as "believers" in Jesus if we abide or act in accordance with His Word then we will TRULY be His disciples. If this is true then the opposite must be false because truth is not relative. Therefore, if we do NOT abide or act in accordance with His Word then we will NOT be His disciples. How can we say we believe the Bible if A: we do not read it, and B: we do not act in accordance with it? Today it is too easy for "Christians" to believe in God and be okay with that. Even the devil and his demons believe in God. James 2:19 says, "you believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe--and shudder!" Saving faith is not the faith in the existence of God but the faith in living according to His Word.

Secondly, by knowing the truth it will set you free. What this means is that by believing Jesus and being His TRUE disciple, living according to His Word you will know the truth. By knowing this truth and living according to it, it will set you free. For sin cannot bind truth.

I really hope these verses will impact you the same way they impacted me. It is so important that our faith in backed up by a lifestyle. Remember: Saving faith is not the faith in the existence of God but the faith in living according to His Word. Have a great week!

In God's strength,



  1. this should really chalenge us so live as diciples not just say we are.

  2. sorry didn't notice the spelling errors till too late
