Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday: Another Day Given to Me

Thinking back on my day there was nothing that stood out as making it special, I attended class, did a bit of work, ate dinner with a couple friends, but all in all nothing exceptional happened today. Classes brought both learning and frustration, yet they were again just typical routine classes. Today was a day that I wouldn't say I wasted, yet I wouldn't say I will ever remember. The fact is, today was another day that was given to me by God Almighty. Almost everyday goes by and I forget to simply thank Him for waking up.

It rained hard last night as God watered Lynchburg and today the sun shined down to dry up much of the left over water. It was a beautiful day! Today was actually very special in its own way because God created it uniquely and He had me be apart of it. I just want each of you to stop and think about your day, whether it was great, terrible or of the norm and thank God for the day that has just past. Whether you accomplished something great, learned something new, copped with something tragic or even if the only notable thing was reading this post, causing you to see your day differently, God handcrafted the events and structure of your day for His will. He allowed you to open your eyes this morning once again to breath another breath, taste another meal and take another step. Take this moment to stop flying through life and reflect on what gifts God has given you today. We ought to be thanking God each day simply for another day among other things.

So now, how was your day?

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