Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday: One Foot in Front of the Other

Well this year I actually decided to make a new years resolution, this is a new experience for me as I have never seen it as being something other then nonsense. However, this year I saw a need for it as a way to make a pact with myself and with God. I decided that each day I would take one step closer to being more like Christ . Although because God is perfect even if everyday I succeeded in moving one step closer to being more like him I will not be just as far away from perfection as the day I began. Simply this is because God is perfect and anything short of that is imperfect, and let me tell you I am certainly short of that mark!

With each passing day there are many stupid things that I do. Each night I go to bed I always remember those moments as I wish so dearly I could take back those words or actions. This year I have decided to make more then an effort to fix these issue and build up my character. See an image is who you are around others, but character is who you are when no one is around. For example: if we tend to pray a long prayer at meals for others to see yet our personal prayer life struggles then somethings wrong.

Ask yourself this: do I care more about the clothes I wear on Sunday or how much money I put in the offering plate?

There is an endless list of things we can improve upon each day and some things may even take weeks to conclude. But just think where you would be in your walk with Christ if you took one step closer to being like Christ 365 times! I mean it shouldn't stop there but it's a start. Thing seriously about taking this challenge with me.

Remember: "an image is who you are around others, but character is who you are when no one is around"

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