Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday: I Thought God Loved Everyone

If God really loves the world (Jn. 3:16) why doesn't He just fix everything and make it perfect? Why doesn't God just let everyone into Heaven if he truly loves the world?

The reason is that God cannot let everyone into Heaven is because darkness and light cannot coexist and the smallest amount of impurity put into something pure makes the whole unit impure. If the slightest bit of salt is added to fresh water then it is no longer fresh, the salt resulting in saltwater affects all the water. If God allowed sin into Heaven then Heaven would not be perfect and it would be the same as earth is today, full of darkness.

This is why God sent His only Son, Jesus to be a propitiation for our sins. Christ bore our punishment creating a way, the only way to God. This filled the gap that sin created between God and man. Christ did everything, we only need to accept this and be born into a new life with Christ. If not then God cannot allow us into Heaven. He initiated this relationship by providing a way because we alone cannot get to God. But if we do not receive the sanctification that is found in Christ then we cannot enter into Heaven.