Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday: Speak Lord Your Servant is Listening

"And the LORD came and stood, calling as at other times, 'Samuel! Samuel!' And Samuel said, 'Speak, LORD, for your servant hears.'"  -1 Samuel 3:10

There is much more context to this story which is important that it isn't lost or this verse taken out of context. I encourage you to read this chapter in it's entirety, but I will try to represent what the Bible is saying to the best of my ability, well actually with what I believe God has revealed to me for I have no ability apart from God.

In this passage Samuel, a young boy working in the temple with Eli at this point, is called upon by God. Literally God calls out Samuel's name three times and three times Samuel goes to Eli thinking it was Eli who had called him. Finally, on the third time Eli realizes that it has been God calling Samuel and he instructed Samuel to go lie down and the next time God calls him to respond by saying "speak LORD, your servant hears." So Samuel did so and then God revealed to him a what was going to happen to Eli's family, which Samuel was frighten to tell Eli. This was the beginning of God continuously revealing His plan to Samuel. The important part here that I want us to grasp is the call of God and the response of Samuel. God called out to Samuel a total of four times and finally on the last one Samuel responded by telling God that he was listening.

God still calls us to various positions and directions in life today, however it is done very differently today as God communicates to us through His Spirit. God has a plan for each one of you as He does for me also. It is important that we ask God to reveal to us His plan for our lives. And God will tell you in His timing (this is not always exactly when you want Him to, but He will reveal it to you when you are ready). It is also important that we live in a way that there is no hindrance between us and God such as sin for this can hinder us from hearing is will as we will be distracted in sin. When I was decided where to go to school I asked God to show me and I asked Him to only let me get accepted into one school, that being the place in which I was to attend. However, God has a different way to reveal His will to me as I was accepted to every school I applied to including the Ontario College of Art and Design. This was the school that if I was to pursue art then it was a no brainer to go here because it is extremely hard to get accepted and their art program is head and shoulders above Liberty's. So it was getting close to the time where I need to make a decision so I resorted to my knees day in and day out asking God for direction. Only a couple days later God revealed Himself to me in a way that was unmistakable. He very heavily laid on my heart, "seek me and I will provide." That if I would fully seek God He would provide me with a job exactly where He wants me whatever education I get. Therefore, I came here to Liberty so that I might study graphic design, but above that study the Bible as I have felt a clear calling to ministry sometime in the future.

God will provide!
When in doubt resort to your knees!

God will direct you!
When in doubt seek Him alone!

God will call you!
When in doubt ASK!

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