Thursday, October 29, 2009


Psalm 23:3
He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

            “He restores my soul” implies that very simply that our souls need restored. You and I both can attest to the fact that we get weary. As humans you and I both require spiritual restoration. It is God who restores us, more then people, movies, and relaxing and yes even sleep. What happens when you become weary? Do you seek God for restoration?
A car is designed to run drive on gasoline, some on diesel. Now matter how nice or expensive the car may be if you drive it long enough it will run out of fuel and stop driving. At this point even leather seat, a sub and nice rims can’t help you out. If you buy a new CD or a new air freshener for your car it still won’t make it run. Even if you change the oil, or even rebuild the entire engine the car still won’t run because it is designed to run on fuel.
In the same way we have been designed to ‘run’ on God fuel. See God created us for his glory. Only God knows how and is able to restore us. It is also important that we understand that just as a car burns fuel we also burn energy and love by pouring into people through our own personal ministry. If a cup is full of holes then anything in it will completely drain out unless it is continuously being refilled. If you pour yourself out each day but you don’t go to God each day to refuel then eventually you will run dry and have nothing left to give. We NEED to meet with God daily in order to be restored. This is why I have created this daily devotion for you because I have been on the other side as I’m sure many of us have. This daily time with God is SO important. Guard it above all else in your day because I can promise you the enemy will try to dismantle you.
Not only does the LORD restore us but he also leading and guiding us in the right way (paths of righteousness). Just as a shepherd guides his sheep our shepherd guide us. God looses none of his sheep along the journey; instead he guides us along the right path. This is partly done for his reputation for being true to his character (his names sake). God provides us each with the fuel and the direction we are to follow. This is why we must seek God in all we do. God provides everything we need yet if we don’t seek him how are we to survive as Christians? I challenge you to allow God to mold you, shape you and send you on the path that he has prepared for you. However, this requires that you yield your life to God. You are going to need to give God more then just your time each morning. You need to give him everything you have!

What needs to change in your life in order for this to happen?

In what ways has God restored you in the past and how have you needed to be restored recently?

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