Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Psalm 23:1
The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want

David compares God to a shepherd because God cares for you as a shepherd cares for sheep. Sheep are helpless creatures that bleed and eat. If they are to survive they require a shepherd who is caring for them day in and day out. God is your shepherd; he cares for you and watches over you. If God is your shepherd what else could you possibly want? God is our comforter and our supplier. He gives us what we need when we need it. He has saved us from the depths of hell and he continues to watch over us. God is good! Remember, every thing, every situation that enters your life has first flowed through the hands of God. When you begin to realize this and put your trust in it you will begin to become strengthen whether it be though the times of achievement or trials and temptation. When God is the Lord of your life and become the center in which everything else revolves around then you will need nothing else to satisfy you. When God your Lord you have no reason to want the gods of this world such and drugs, alcohol, sex, fame and many others. However, if you call yourself a Christian yet you want other things and go to the world for pleasure and comfort you become an adulteress. Just as Hosea’s wife was unfaithful to him we can be unfaithful to God. This is when anything else becomes an idol in your life. Make God Lord of your life and serve him alone. God cares for us and when we seek him there is nothing else that can compare to his unfailing love. What else could we want?

Are you allowing God to be your shepherd or do you flirt around with the world? If yes, were you allowing God to be Lord of your life at this time?

What are you going to change today about your walk with God?

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