Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Psalm 23:2
He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.

            Green pastures and still waters are peaceful places for nourishment and rest. When David says that God makes him lie down in green pastures he is referring to the times that God has nourished him spiritually. When you follow God and I mean to seek God with all your heart you will never be short of spiritual nourishment. God understands you inside and out, as he is your creator. He knows that you grow weary and become weak. If not you would have no need to rely on him. You and I both know that we get tired many times whether we be at work or at school, sometimes we feel like we can’t handle another day or another paper or an exam. Some times we can even reach the point where giving up seems like the next step. See God provides times of rest even if they don’t always come in the form of sleep. God provides us with new mercies for each day. His grace is designed for you and each trial you go through and each new chapter in your life. But why do we not always feel like this grace is there? Why do we feel like we are lying on the brown burnt grass rather then fresh green grass? See God provides rest for our souls but he doesn’t force it into our lives. As we have often heard, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. If you aren’t seeking God and allowing him to refuel you each day then our walk becomes a crawl and soon you will burn out. Not only does he provide you with green pastures but also still waters. God restores you spiritually. God provides you with forgiveness each and every day!

What area of your life have you had trouble giving to God lately? Had are you going to have to do differently to allow God to control this area?

Have you felt burnt out lately? What steps are you going to take in order to take full advantage of God’s mercies and nourishment?

Have you felt nourished spiritually this week? If no, how does this verse change that? If yes, why have you been nourished and what did you need to surrender to God in order to do so? Was it worth it?

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