Saturday, October 31, 2009


Psalm 23:5
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

In verse five David switches from the Lords protection to the Lords provision. God cares for us in ways we don’t always see. God is our provider, providing our every need. The important thing to understand here is that God provides for our needs! Following God does not mean you become wealthy with riches; in fact it can be very much the opposite. God does promise to provide for our every need though! There are still times, many times that God will bless us with more then we need, but he promises to always provide for our needs. In the presence of our enemies means he is our provider even when our enemies are present as they are powerless. Despite the danger in David’s life the Lord has set out a table for him and provided for his every need.
            The picture of the Lord anointing David’s head with oil and causing his cup to overflow shows how much God really does care and provide for him. God Has provided for us in a way that we need nothing more then him alone to survive. This is a reflection to verse one when it says, “The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want.” The Lord is all we need and by his provision we need nothing more and shall not want anything more. The cup is a picture of what we need and the Lord fills not just until it is full, but overflowing! God loves you and wants to provide for you. Sometimes God only gives us what we require to prove to us we only need him and not the stuff of this world. Many times he will provide us with more then we need if we are able to allow him to be our God and not our stuff. Do you need help in this life? God is your provider so find rest in him and eat of the table he has prepared for you. Go out today thankful for what he has provided and dependent on what he will provide. We serve a mighty God!

How has God provided for you and your family in the past? (Remembering what God has done in the past is an encouragement to be dependent on him in the future)

What do you need from God this week? What needs to be provided for you? Are you trusting God for it? Do you know if he will take care of the situation? Have faith and take heart!   

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