Sunday, November 1, 2009


Psalm 23:6
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

            David realized that throughout his entire life God’s goodness and mercy was always with him. In the good times and the bad times God was there, he was both merciful and good to David. God is a never changing God; he is the same when we are in the valleys as he is when we stand on mountaintops. Meaning God is the same through the good and bad times. God is good and therefore he provides and protects us just as David has written in the earlier verses of this psalm. To conclude David says that that goodness and mercy God gives us will last through every day of our life. It will never fail. Be sure that if you put all your faith and trust in God he will NEVER fail you!
            The house of the LORD is referring to the tabernacle. Now to dwell in the house of the LORD forever is something that almost no one could do literally speaking. Only Levites who were priests in the Old Testament would ever be able to enter into the inner courts of the tabernacle. Now for a non-Levite this would be to have ready access to the sanctuary of worship.
Today our bodies are the God dwelling place and we are able to come before him at any time, wherever we are, no matter what we have done. What a privilege we have in Jesus! Today lets stop and reflect on God’s goodness and mercy. Let us lift up holy hands and praise him today. Thank God for his protection and provision, as it will never be lifted from you! Isn’t our God good!
A friend of mine once told me this and if you remember anything remember this: God is good all the time, and all the time God is good!

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