Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday: Further the Kingdom

Sorry this is late today, I had a class at 7:40 then I had to catch a plane. I will also try to get the devo's from now until Sunday up before I head into the hunting camp because there will obviously be no service in there.

     Currently I am sitting in an airport waiting to board my next plane. I have flown before but for some reason I have really been thinking on this trip about how short my life may be and I have no idea when my Saviour will take me home to be with him. I may step onto this next plane and never get off. I could very well never see any of you again, never have a chance to talk to my friends and family and share with them the things God has laid on my heart, I may never have another chance to share the gospel with a sinner destined for hell. What kind of life have I been living? Have I loved people the way God loved me? Have I made the most of every opportunity to glorify God? Have I been seeking God with all of my heart? Here's a big one: AM I SAVED? Ask yourself these questions and spend some time to think about how the life you are living answers these questions.
     If you are a born again follower of Christ then you ought to be glorifying God in everything you do, as should I. I strongly believe that in ALL (every single thing) things we do we are to glorify God. See we are to be intentional in how we live. We can put ourselves in situations that can give us the opportunity to glorify God and be as effective as we can. We can also put ourselves in situations that will bring forth temptation. Yes temptation is out there and we will all stumble and fall, but the rubber hits the road when we decide whether or not to get back up. Think about that for a moment.....   You will stumble you can count on that! Will you decide to get back up again? Live with the intention to further the kingdom of God. Carry that with you as you go about your day today, "Live with the intention to further the kingdom of God." Let this statement affect how you live your day and then let it affect your week and then your life! You will notice a difference in how your life reflects the mediations in the first paragraph.
     You have one life and one death. In between you have many chances to point others to a life found in Christ alone. You must decide how you respond to these chances. You also must decide how you are going to live your faith. Are you going to coast, live lukewarm? (see Rev. 3:15-16). Or you can be hot and grow each day in the Word never being content in where you stand before God, always striving to be more like Christ. You must also live intentional here. I mean you can either spend time with God each day or not. If you want to know God more and draw closer to him taking advantage of every opportunity to know him better then you will find time each day to do it because it will be your first priority. I mean I struggle with this too at times. Your actions reflect your faith and if you require God as much as you require air to breathe then he will be FIRST in your life above all else. Your time with him will be more important to you then anything else in your day.

Breathe him in!

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