Monday, November 2, 2009


Proverbs 21:19
The horse is made ready for battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.

     This is a verse that has been very humbling for me over the past year. Solomon who is a man of great wisdom writes down these words so that we might understand how much influence God has on our victories in life. Daily you and I are faced with decisions, trials and temptations. When we are faced with opposition we always prepare to fight. When a nation is about to go to war with another they always prepare an army for battle. Essentially this is common sense. Likewise everything we prepare for everything whether it be physically or spiritually. What we often miss is that no matter how we prepare the end result is up to God. What I mean is that an army on foot can defeat an army of cavalry when the Lord is on their side. God can upset the strongest nations and overturn the fiercest forces. God can turn any battle his way despite human effort. This can be seen many times through Israel's history in the Old Testament, such as David or even Jericho.
     We can prepare as much as we want when it comes to being the "perfect boyfriend or girlfriend", planning your bible study just right, getting all the answers for your upcoming test, etc. Know matter what you do to prepare it doesn't even come close to having as much effect as seeking God. Now this does not mean we do nothing about anything. We still need to prepare but part of preparing is submitting to God. Surrendering our life and situations into his hands. So prepare for your battle today, whatever it may be. Just remember your victory rests in the hands of the Lord God Almighty! How comforting is that? We prepare but our battle is ultimately up to God.

How does this change your approach to daily tasks?

How do we submit our battles to God?

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