Sunday, November 8, 2009


             This weekend my mind was brought back to Philippians 2:14-16 where it talks about us being a light in a twisted generation holding fast to the Word of God. But I began to think that we have two major influences in this world. First we have the influence of the world in which we as Christian are supposed to be a light to and we are not supposed to be of this world. The second influence is the Word of God. God’s word is so powerful that the truths within it are timeless. Meaning it is just as true today as it was two thousand years ago. God’s truth is everlasting, if not then it wouldn’t be truth would it? Now God Word and the world stand on two totally influences. The world stands on the presumption that you are most important and you can do anything you want. The more stuff you have the more fulfilled you will be. God’s Word stands on the truth that without Him were are helpless and bound for eternity in hell. However, He has provided His son the Lord Jesus Christ so that through Him we may have life and he is what fulfills us.
            The world is twisted and will continue to influence us as long as we are in the world. We will always be in the world as long as we live. Now God’s Word will only influence us as much as we are in the Word and surround ourselves with the Word. Just as Moses writes in Deuteronomy 6:4-9, we are to surround ourselves with God’s law, if not we no longer have that influence in our lives and slowly begin to fall away from the truth. This is why it is so important to be in the Word each day. When we eliminate that, going to church weekly and even close Christian friends then only influence we have left is the world. This is why when people begin to become ineffective and weak in the walk it is a slow fade. Slowly people will eliminate these things from their lives. Be sure you keep these things close to your heart.

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