Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Romans 10:17 - Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.

    Faith. We talked about faith a couple weeks ago. Faith is faith, it is what you have faith in that counts! So as Christian we have faith in God, right? What does that look like? I mean does it simply mean we believe God exists? Or is it much deeper then that but you can't quite explain it. Does your faith breath? I mean think about it. Does you faith cause you to chew your nails off because times can become so crazy that it seems like everything should be spinning out of control but some how God pulls you through? I know my life is certainly not like that nine times out of ten. What's lacking then? I mean there's definitely something missing if we say we have "faith" and our life tends to remain level as we float through life. See faith is taking God at his word and believe me God says some pretty crazy things in the bible!
     See God says things like "Seek first the kingdom of God and these things will be given to you." So guess what happens if we have faith in God? We will believe what he says a do it. If I believe God, then I also believe what he says and if I believe what he says then I will put God first (seeking the kingdom of God first). Then everything else will fall into place just as God said it would (these things will be given to you).
     What about when God says, "in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path." This is your turn. We all have the major decisions ahead of us, marriage, career, etc. So if you want God to direct you where you are to go then you need to have faith that if you do what he says (acknowledge him in all your ways) that we will do his part and direct your life. This is when we become dangerous as Christians, actually taking God's truths to heart and when we are empowered by the Holy Spirit we are unstoppable. Figure that eh! Actually testing out what God says and instead to nodding our head to the idea of it and actually following through with our lives. That's faith! Faith is an action, doing it.

A little word from my buddies at nike: JUST DO IT!

live a little faith today

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