Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thursday: Be Still

Psalm 46:10a
Be still, and know that I am God.

     This was my verse for last year, if nothing else this verse kept me in check each and every day. When your schedule changes or you adapt to a new lifestyle you will find that the enemy will attack. This is because you are exposed in a way that a knight pieces of armor separates when he makes movement. See we are wired in a way that we all like some kind of schedule. Why else would we get upset when we catch a red light, miss our favorite show or even have a late lunch. Whether we like it or not our bodies adapt to schedules. So when we change up our lifestyle such as moving away from home, going to school, getting a new job, etc. Things like our daily devotional time is the first thing to go. Some times we are so busy in adapting to a new schedule we forget to stop and reflect on who God is and what he has done. This is what I struggled with last year. I took to heart this verse and it caused me to stop, slow down and let God take the lead again.
     We live such busy lives we can forget who God is. I mean most of us know who God is, I mean come on I even know him personally. But honestly sometimes we forget who he REALLY is. Our comforter, saviour, redeemer, friend, father, shepherd, lover, protecter, provider, our life purpose! Sometimes you just need to stop and reflect on God. Just dwell on who he is, what he has done and what he means to you. Worship God. Each day, if not several times a day we need to stop what we are tied up in and just be still, know who God is. The essence of worshipping God is knowing who he is.
     So today I challenge you to make it a habit to stop and just be still, whatever you are doing just stop and be still. Reflect on God and all his glory. Let this verse ring in your mind each day.

Be Still

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