Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thursday: What It's All About

Romans 14:17 (CEV) God's kingdom isn't about eating and drinking. It is about pleasing God, about living in peace, and about true happiness. All this comes from the Holy Spirit.

     What do we as Christians live for? Paul writes that the kingdom of God isn't about eating and drinking. In other words we don't get "saved" because our lives are going to become smooth sailing and simply be just one big party. In fact we should expect our lives to become difficult. Our purpose in the kingdom of God is to please him, to glorify his name in all that we do. This is why God has made us. We are to further the kingdom, make his name known unto the ends of the earth. This is the great commission.
     The kingdom of God is also about living in eternal peace. See when the Holy Spirit indwells us we are made whole. We no longer need to fear or worry about what is to come. We are able to surrender all we have to God and rest in the fact that he is in control and he watches over us. We may also experience happiness, yes. But even more we can have joy! A fulfillment within us that we may have joy in all we do because we have a God in heaven who loves us and cares for us. He longs to know us and he has reached out to us. He has prepared a way for you and for me to have life through Jesus Christ. No matter what winds and storms may come we are able to stand under the strength of our mighty God and know that he is in control of everything. Each day we must remember what in fact being apart of the kingdom of God is all about.

Live in peace and joy and please God in everything you do

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