Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday: A Choice We All Make

There are many stories that I hear of people standing up for Christ when a gun barrel is pointed at their head. There also stories that I have heard of people who rejected Christ in such a time. I have always thought to myself "what would I do in a situation like this." Many times I'm convinced there is no way I'd ever reject Christ, I mean it's only dying and besides I want to go to heaven, right?
Matthew 19:24 about a camel being able to fit through the eye of a needle being easier then a rich man being able to get heaven. Even when I read this verse I think to myself, although I am not rich compared to the North American standard, I would have no problem giving up my things for Christ. I mean do I really care about "stuff" that much?
See the thing is when we put it to the direct question, would I choose stuff or God? Do I choose life or God? You see, most of us would hopefully choose God, at least we hope we would. But I want to go ahead and challenge you to look at where you spend most of your time? I believe what Francis Chan when he says "where we will invest our energy is equivalent to choosing God or rejecting Him" (Crazy Love). Challenging eh! I really think that if we, myself included, take even a glance at our life we invest so much more into other things then we would into glorifying God. I don't mean that we ought to be in the Word for the majority of our time! What I am saying is that we need to take more focus off of ourselves and put our energy into serving God and serving others. Yes this does include being in the Word and praying, but there is so much more! We need to let love run our life, not just use it when we feel we ought to! So what if it costs us to help someone out, sometimes it will cost us a lot. We don't do things to get things, neither do we do things to be seen as a nice guy or gal. When ought to do things because we genuinely WANT to (not that it's pleasurable to pick up a hitchhiker or give someone money who needs it), we want to help others because we are serving God and giving a friend a hand by doing so. Sometimes it will cost us to give to God! I have a hard time with tithing when I'm at school! This is because I have no income, but that is NOT an excuse not to give back to God! We have no purpose of living except to glorify God and further his kingdom. Should we not live for God in ALL areas? Shouldn't God be in control of every area of our lives?

Just something to think about that God has really been challenging me with! There are times I'm good at these things and there are other times, lots of other times where I fail miserably!

Please search your heart and please don't rub this off as a "
good idea!" Unless you didn't understand what I was talking about you are probably struggling with this as well, meaning that you need to change and live differently now then you were five minutes ago. Hey, I do to so you're not alone.

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