Friday, November 6, 2009


1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

            How many times do you feel ashamed to confess your sins because you feel like you are the only one who does that? “I mean God says he loves everyone and can forgive any sin, but surely no one has done what I’ve done, God couldn’t forgive that. I mean I’m such an idiot for what I did.” Or  “I’m trying so hard to follow God but temptation keeps getting the best of me and I feel like I can never overcome it.” If you can relate to the previous sentences then today’s verse is perfect for you. If not then this verse will still apply for encouragement!  Everyone should memorize this verse because it is encouraging and will help you to remember you are never alone!
            God says here through Paul that you will not go through temptation that is not common to man. Meaning the things you struggle with is something that is a constant struggle among many others. What ever you struggle with you are not alone. It is something that many people struggle with and it’s not anything that can’t be forgiven because unless you blasphemy the name of Christ your sin is forgiven by the blood of the Lamb. Your part is simply to confess it.
            The Second part is that you will never be tempted with anything that does not have a way of escape. It is not a sin to be tempted, but it is a sin to give in. If we had no way of escape then we would be forced to sin meaning that being tempted would be a sin. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness during his time on earth yet he did not sin. Therefore temptation cannot be a sin. See Jesus was tempted in order that he could live a perfect life enduring temptation just as we are tempted. If you were to be completely honest with yourself would you say there was ever a time you were forced to sin? What I mean is can you remember making the conscious decision to sin when you gave into temptation? As for me I can remember clearly every time I sinned it was because I choose deliberately to sin. God never leaves you hanging to fend for yourself. Be sure there will always be a way out whether it be simply saying no to going to a party or walking away from your computer there will always be a way to escape temptation. God never designed for us to battle through life on our own. In fact he provided us with the Holy Spirit to walk with us every step of the way.

God cares for you.

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