Thursday, November 5, 2009


1 Corinthians 10:12
Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.

A man who stands as the base of the mountain has nothing to loose and everything to gain, yet a man who has reached the top must be wary lest he fall and loose his life. This can very much apply to our lie as followers of Christ. When we are standing at the base of our walk with Christ and we never decide to take the first steps to grow in Christ and further his Kingdom we have no impact on the world and therefore we are ineffective and the enemy doesn’t even need to bother us because we are no threat to him. However, when our faith becomes real and breathing we begin to grow and take God at his word doing al we can to further the Kingdom of God. This is when the enemy sees us as a threat and targets us to through us off balance and he will try to cause us to stumble to be ineffective. Point being that if you are at “rock bottom,” you feel like you don’t know where to go and the road is rough. Take heart and find your peace and protection in God for he is there for us in the valley’s of life even when things couldn’t be worse, God is there. When the enemy is attacking you be encouraged that you are seen as a threat. Newton’s third law says that for every action there is a reaction. Each step we take toward God the enemy will react and try to take you out. The closer you draw to God the stronger the enemy fights.
            If you feel like you are on mountaintops and accomplishing many things for God, you are closer then ever before to him and you feel unstoppable. I want to warn you to look out! You will face resistance if you haven’t already. Paul writes a warning for us in the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter ten, verse twelve. This is a warning for those who are doing well in their walk. When you accomplish things big or small you become confident. The issue is what do you become confident in, God or yourself? We can sometimes meet obstacles, pray about it, overcome it and then give ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done. The moment you take your eyes off God is the moment you will fall. If you keep focused on him and not on yourself then you will be able to continue to grow and serve God with his help and provision. Paul writes, “anyone who thinks he stands take heed.” When a lame man is helped up by someone and thinks he stands on his own strength he will fall. However, if he realizes that he is standing under the support of his neighbor he will continue to stand. In the same way when we think we are who we are under our own strength and not the strength of God we will fall because our eyes will be lifted from God and we are not able to stand against the enemy on our own! However, if we realize this ahead of time and fix our eyes on God and realize that he is the reason we are who we are, the reason we are saints and no longer sinners able to enter into the gates of heaven, we will continue to stand.
            Always be careful that you don’t take over the drivers seat in your life. Let God drive your life and hang on!

Be on Guard.

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