Friday, March 5, 2010

Satan's Worm and Bobber

Proverbs 5

Looking at verses three and four: "For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword."

Solomon spends this entire chapter writing a warning against adultery. The words of a forbidden woman are deceptive and persuasive, yet they are a sweet as honey. Married or not all men are under the attack of Satan in the area of sexual immorality. The entire world screams sex mainly at men, but women also. Satan has taken something that God designed to be beautiful and distorted it to cause destruction. When we take what God intended for the ultimate intimacy between and man and his wife and use it for selfish lust we fall into the trap of Satan. Solomon is not just dealing with sex outside of marriage, he is talking about all levels of lust. For Matthew 5:28 says, "but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." By Gods standard even looking at a woman with lust is adultery whether or not she is real, on a screen or a highway billboard. The lips of these women drip with honey and her speech is smoother than oil, meaning that she is very appealing at first. However, as Solomon continues he warns us that in the end she is as bitter as "wormwood" and as sharp as a "two-edged sword!" Satan intends to destroy us so he opposes what God says knowing it will harm us. In order for Satan to convince us to oppose God he must lure us in by making it look really tempting. It is important that we all (including women) are guarding ourselves against these temptations, we know that Satan will attack and we know generally how, yet everyone still continues to stumble at some point. Keep your head up and hold fast to the Word of God. Victory will only come with discipline. Verse twenty-three says, " he dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray." Without discipline knowing how to avoid Satan's trap is useless. We need to discipline ourselves to honor and uphold God design for marriage.

Hold fast to God's Word and discipline yourself.

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