Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday: What is Wisdom

Proverbs 2

Solomon has written a book on wisdom, but what exactly is wisdom? Is there a difference between wisdom and knowledge? Proverbs 2 points to this very issue explaining what in fact wisdom is. Solomon writes that God is the giver of wisdom (v.6), He gives us wisdom both through His Word and through His Spirit (the third part of the trinity). Wisdom is that which provides profitable morals, it keeps one from evil and produces holiness. Wisdom is not just intellect, but it is a matter of the heart. Knowledge is the ability to know, wisdom is the ability to know and properly apply to our daily lives. In v.7 Solomon makes reference to a shield, like a shield God's wisdom protects us and morality guards us for the evil ways of the world. Knowledge here would be to know what is moral and why, whereas wisdom is to carry out morality due to the outcome. Solomon also notes that wisdom is obtainable by everyone if they seek it out. Whoever strives for wisdom will find it enter his heart (v.10). Obtaining wisdom require a diligent pursuit after God's will, yet it is still God who gives wisdom (v.6). Solomon also writes how wisdom will guide you and guard against sin as it will keep you traveling on the straight and narrow (v. 11,12). When one is confronted with temptation, as good and harmless as it appears he will avoid it at all costs because he sees the big picture and where it will lead him in the end, destruction and corruption.

Seek after wisdom and let it guard your heart

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