Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday: All You Need Is...... God

Proverbs 3

This chapter, as do all chapters in Proverbs, has a lot of points in it, but I am only going to point out the one that stood out to me as I read it through this time. This is also the chapter that contains a very commonly used and well known verse, rightly so. Verses 5 and 6 are the verses that many people turn to in a time where they are seeking direction as it tells us to commit to God and acknowledge in all we do first, then He will direct us. This principle is paralleled in verses 9 and 10 where it says, "honor the LORD with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all you produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine. This verse calls us to honor God with our wealth. Ironically it is not even our wealth in the first place because God is the one who has blessed us in the first place. To honor God with our wealth would be to hold nothing back from Him. It continues to also say honor God with the firstfruits of all you produce. Not only are we to hold nothing back to God but we are to offer our produce to Him first. We are to give unto God first, then budget. Not budget then give God what is left. This doesn't just deal with money, but also with our time, talents, everything. To honor God with our wealth and our firstfruits is to acknowledge His provision over us in an expression of gratitude. In return God has promised to fill our barns and vats. Metaphorically speaking of course, Solomon is saying that God will continue to supply all we need. If we give to God FIRST (yes that means our very best), then He will continue to bless us. For by trusting Him with all we have including our finances He will continue to watch over us. The moment we stop trusting God and think that we can supply for ourselves He will no longer bless us because we do not seek Him in our needs.

God is not an investment, He is all we need!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the part of the chapter that talked about how Christians don't have to fear evil because the Lord is our confidence. It is really encouraging.
