Saturday, March 6, 2010

Don't Get Burned

Proverbs 6

This is the verse that jumped out at me today: "Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned? Or can one walk on hot coals and his feet not be scorched? So is he who goes in to his neighbor's wife; none who touches her will go unpunished." v. 27-29

This verse applies to what we were talking about yesterday, but the principle applies to all sin and the principle is something that we can be applying daily in every confrontation with temptation. Solomon illustrates this first with a man carrying fire next to his chest. Solomon's literal image of carrying fire next to one chest is representing carrying sin next to ones heart. No one can do so without being burned. If we let any sin get close to our heart we will not go unburned. For the things we hold close to our heart are the things that begin to affect how we live. This is why if we hold God's Word close to our heart and treasure it  then it will begin to affect the way we live and the same with sin and things of this world. Solomon draws the same illustration with a man walking over hot coals. This can represent the lifestyle in which we walk. We cannot walk in the ways sin without it burning us. However, even though we can draw a principle from this Solomon does still relate this to one specific sin which is adultery. If you play with fire (sex outside of God's Law) you will get burned!

Remember: If we let any sin get close to our heart we will not go unburned

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